This public speaking workshop will involve lots of practice, feedback and more practice with a supportive group of people guided by Chris, a professional speaker, master networker and highly successful entrepreneur.
The ability of a speaker to convey emotions is irreplaceable. Many of us can recite words, and we can even say them powerfully, but how good are you at conveying sadness, anger, or jealousy? How about pride, relief or ecstasy? This is not easy to do. How can you do it convincingly and in a way that your audience feels it too? If you can do this well, you'll win over any crowd, so let's practice it!
In this club, we'll look at a few parts from great speakers who conveyed emotion successfully. We'll discuss what they did and didn't do to achieve that goal. This will be very liberating and it will also take some bravery on your part. It will require getting in touch with your emotions and conveying them to an audience. There will be no judgment. There will be lots of support. And it will be fun!
Let's practice being real on the stage. Let's not fake emotions because the audience is smarter than that. Let's not just keep our emotions to superficial ones like happy or unhappy, let's dig deep, and let's strike a chord. Let's have a life-changing public speaking workshop!